Strategic plan and projects

Strategic plan

The Council of the Community of Haut-Madawaska has implemented its 2018-2022 strategic plan based on:
Its values

Transparent, visionary, innovative, accountable, motivated, proud, realistic, united.

Its vision

As demonstrated by its actions and its choices, Haut-Madawaska is a welcoming, transparent and proud community. Haut-Madawaska is the destination by excellence for its quality of life, its economic prosperity and its unique culture and identity. Its leadership style puts the citizens first so they become part of the change.

Its mission

To offer high quality services to its citizens while actively contributing to the socio-economic development of the Community by providing the services with honor, respect, responsiveness, equity, and integrity.

The strategic plan of the Community of Haut-Madawaska includes five development priorities, such as:

  1. Governance | Finances | Administration
  2. Sustainable Development
  3. Public Security
  4. Culture | Patrimony | Tourism | Hobbies
  5. Economic Development

You can access the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan by clicking on the button below (French version only).


Strategic plan (French only)


Cultural clinic

November 2018

The network Les Arts et la Ville, in partnership with the Association acadienne des artistes professionnels du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB) and the Association francophone des municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick (AFMNB) and with the financial support of the Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC), held a cultural clinic in the Community of Haut-Madawaska, New Brunswick in November 2018.

The cultural clinic made it possible to initiate or consolidate the formation of local synergies, thus giving a boost to the cultural capacities of the community in a sustainable development perspective. It also allowed the mobilization of the community’s various activity sectors around actions identified as common priorities by their delegates.

Final Report (French only)

Plan de gestion des actifs municipaux (French only)

Plan de gestion des actifs municipaux

Branding and design by Productions Rouj. Produced by T-Nours Communications.

© 2025 Haut-Madawaska. All rights reserved.