Arts and culture

''Communauté de Haut-Madawaska'', now Town of Haut-Madawaska, has adopted its Cultural Politic on June 30th, 2020!

To read the politic (French only), it's right here: « Politique culturelle de la Communauté de Haut-Madawaska ».

A promotional booklet has been created to express the different avenues of the politic.

We also invite each and every one of you that are participating in the arts and culture field to register on the cultural cartography of the Town of Haut-Madawaska. 

Feel free to register. Haut-Madawaska is proud to have artists on its territory and wants to show them off!

Link towards cultural cartography

Here's the promotional video!

Acadian Day

On the wonderful day of August 15th, 2019, people gathered at the Ledges… Place des Pionniers to celebrate and have fun. “Ployes” were served and kids made most of the day by playing in the tiny buildings of yesteryear. Happiness, joy and Mr. Sun conspired to make this day a resounding success! The pictures below really speak for themselves. Seasonal employees, Municipal Council members, members from the Société culturelle de Saint-François and many more were present to celebrate and make noise on this day dedicated to honor the Acadian culture.

Canada Day

On July, 1st 2019, a day of celebration in Canada, a gathering took place at the multipurpose complex in the Clair District. People were invited to eat hot dogs, enjoy inflatable games, have their faces painted and participate in all sorts of activities. The following pictures show that Municipal Council members were present to celebrate with the citizens. Kids were smiling and showing off their colorful faces in the inflatable games.

Remembrance Day

On November, 6th 2018, a commemorative day took place in the Saint-François District to give the citizens a chance to remember the efforts soldiers deployed day after day to ensure our safety and preserve our rights. The community, as well as the veterans, all gathered to remember.

John Baker (1796-1868) - Ward of Baker-Brook

John Baker is the founder of Baker-Brook. Working in the wood industry, Baker built the first wood mill in his village.

Blacksmith Michaud - Ward of Saint-François

The blacksmith Michaud built his own forge in 1894 and operated it for at least 100 years before passing it to his son. To pay him a tribute, Mr. Albert Deveau carved this amazing sculpture. It was unveiled in 2009, year of the 150th anniversary of the Saint-François District.

Book stops

The books stops are the result of a partnership between the Comité d’aide aux élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage, the Réseau d’inclusion communautaire du Nord-Ouest, the Mgr-Plourde Public Library and the local businesses. The goal of these small cabins is to promote book exchange in the Community of Haut-Madawaska. When you take a book, you deposit one in exchange. Benches or rest areas are accessible nearby if you feel like reading just there.

Opening of Heritage week

The firefighters of the Haut-Madawaska Fire Department of the Saint-Francois District were on the spotlight of the opening of the Heritage week. Here's a report from the Mayor, Jean-Pierre Ouellet.

Report - French only

Woman's Day - 11th edition

On Sunday, March 8th, 2020, took place the 11th edition of the Woman's day at the Club d'Âge d'or in the Saint-Francois District. The two laureates, Nancy Ann Landry and Gaëtane Duval were awarded, respectively, Woman entrepreneur 2020 and Woman of the year 2020.
Special thanks to the Société culturelle de Saint-Francois Inc. and the Institut féminin de Moulin Pelletier for the preparation and organization of this day.

Pictures: courtesy of Mrs. Tania St-Onge.
From left to right : Nancy Ann Landry (Woman entrepreneur 2020), Linda Albert Cyr (Member of the Institut féminin de Moulin Pelletier) and Gaëtane Duval (Woman of the year 2020).

Press release - French only

Branding and design by Productions Rouj. Produced by T-Nours Communications.

© 2025 Haut-Madawaska. All rights reserved.