Guided tours on the heritage trail '' Ledges... Place des pionniers '' will begin on June 27th and last until the end of August.
La paroisse Saint-François d'Assise de Clair tiendra son diner barbecue annuel le dimanche 19 juin, jour de la fête des pères.
The ''Club de l'âge d'or de Saint-François'' shines a light on country and folklore on Sunday, June 12th, 2022 à 1 p.m.
The '' Comité consultatif communautaire '' is hosting a bicycle rodeo on June 11th at the '' Complexe multifonctionnel '' - Ward of Clair.
The upcoming Council Regular Public Meeting of the ''Communauté de Haut-Madawaska'' will be on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022 at 7 p.m. at the ''Complexe multifonctionnel'' - Ward of Clair.